YAML to JSON Converter
World's simplest yaml tool
Quickly convert Yet Another Markup Language to JavaScript Object Notation. Enter YAML in the input box on the left and you'll immediately get JSON in the output box on the right. Enter YAML, get JSON. There are no ads or downloads, and everything works right in your browser. Made for developers by developers from team Browserling.
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What is a YAML to JSON Converter?
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This YAML to JSON converter transforms YAML (Yet Another Markup Language) configs and files into JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) configs and files. It doesn't have any unncessary configuration options. The only thing you can configure is JSON's output. There are three options: indent JSON with spaces, indent JSON with tabs, or compress JSON output.
YAML to JSON Converter examples
Click to useConvert a YAML list to a JSON list
In this example we convert a YAML sequence of animals to a JSON array and we set output to be indented with two spaces.
- turtle
- frog
- mangoose
- giraffe
Required options
Indent JSON with spaces.
Output indent size. Set to 0
to compress JSON.
Convert inline and indented YAML blocks to a JSON object
In this example we convert an inline YAML associative array to a JSON oject and we set output to be minified.
- {waterfall: Angel Falls, height: "3,212 ft"}
- waterfall: Tugela Falls
height: "3,110 ft"
[{"waterfall":"Angel Falls","height":"3,212 ft"},{"waterfall":"Tugela Falls","height":"3,110 ft"}]
Required options
Indent JSON with spaces.
Output indent size. Set to 0
to compress JSON.
Pro tips
Master online yaml tools
You can pass input to this tool via ?input query argument and it will automatically compute output. Here's how to type it in your browser's address bar. Click to try!
All yaml tools
Quickly color code the syntax of a YAML file.
Quickly prettify a YAML configuration file.
Quickly minify a YAML configuration file.
Quickly check a YAML file for syntax errors and report them.
Quickly convert a YAML config to a JSON config.
Quickly convert a JSON file to a YAML file.
Quickly convert a YAML document to an XML document.
Quickly convert XML markup to YAML markup.
Quickly convert YAML data to CSV data.
Quickly convert a YAML dataset to a CSV dataset.
Quickly convert YAML format to TSV format.
Quickly convert TSV files to YAML files.
Quickly convert YAML to a PNG, GIF, JPG or BMP Image.
Quickly convert YAML to base-64 encoding.
Quickly convert previously base-64 encoded YAML back to YAML.
Quickly URL-escape a YAML file.
Quickly URL-unescape a YAML file.
Quickly edit a YAML file in a simple YAML editor.
Quickly generate random YAML configs.
Coming soon
These yaml tools are on the way
Diff Two YAML Files
Compare two YAML files and show their differences.
Show YAML Statistics
Show detailed information about a YAML config.
Flatten YAML
Quickly flatten a nested YAML config file.
Truncate YAML
Loop over YAML and truncate lists, arrays, and strings.
Create a PHP Array from YAML
Convert YAML config to a PHP data structure.
Convert YAML to Properties
Convert a YAML file to a properties file.
Convert Properties ot YAML
Convert a properties file to a YAML file.
Convert YAML to TOML
Convert a YAML file to a TOML file.
Convert TOML to YAML
Convert a TOML config to a YAML config.
Convert YAML to NestedText
Convert a YAML file to a NestedText file.
Convert NestedText to YAML
Convert a NestedText config to a YAML config.
Convert YAML to PDF
Create a PDF file from a YAML file.
Sort a YAML file by keys or by values.
Extract Keys from YAML
Find and extract all keys from a YAML file.
Extract Values from YAML
Find and extract all keys from a YAML file.
Extract Strings from YAML
Find and extract all strings from a YAML file.
Extract Numbers from YAML
Find and extract all numbers from a YAML file.
Extract Comments from YAML
Find and extract all comments from a YAML file.
Remove Comments from YAML
Clean up a YAML configuration file from comments.
Add Errors to YAML
Add tiny errors to YAML and create an invalid YAML file.
Change All Quotes to Double Quotes
Normalize all quotes in a YAML file to double quotes.
Change All Quotes to Single Quotes
Normalize all quotes in a YAML file to single quotes.
Visualize YAML Structure
Create an abstract image that represents YAML data.
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